Georgia is a bold and elegant font that is highly readable, even on smaller screens. So it’s ideal for mobile.
To submit your artwork to NYAM for consideration to be selected to participate in the summer art workshops between June and early July and the outdoor art tour, the following must be submitted by Friday, June 2:
At minimum a 300 DPI JPEG in color of the artwork
A 500 word essay on the meaning of colors in the student's artwork, the significance of objects drawn, and what message these colors and objects are meant to communicate. Essay should include full, typed name of student with contact information i.e. telephone number and email address.
Your availability to take part in art workshops (potentially on 2 Saturdays and Sundays) in June and/or July.
You must be between the ages of 12 and 25.
Your artwork and essay should be submitted separately. All items should be submitted to the Dropbox on this page no later than 11:59 PM on Monday, June 5.